South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato

Online Pre-Registration (1st Sem S.Y. 2025-2026)

(for incoming Grade 11, New College Student, Returnee, Transferee and Former Student)

A. Read all instructions very carefully

B. Fill out this form carefully and type all information requested. Only applicable forms correctly and completely filled out will be accepted
Write N/A if the information is not applicable to you. Omissions can delay the processing of your application.

C. Incomplete Application Form will not be processed.

D. Submit this form (Click the submit button at the bottom of this form).

Personal Information:
Permanent/Home Address:
Current Address:
Family Information:
Mother (Maiden Name)

Spouse (If Married)
Academic Information

School Attended (list all schools attended beginning from elementary )

Please to contact in case of emergency: